DC Based Real Estate Developer

Developer Implements Conduit to Combat Increase in Fraud Attempts and Streamline Reporting

A Washington D.C. based real estate developer, owner, and operator engaged Conduit due to an increasing number of direct attacks against their business lines and learning about a successful high dollar wire fraud perpetrated against one of their peers.

Against this backdrop, the firm implemented Conduit’s workflow automation tool across its major operating units. Conduit ensures all payments, closings, and draws are being properly approved and verified by their analysts. Additionally, Conduit’s team functionality allows for aggregated reporting and easy oversight of each division by corporate headquarters, while maintaining separation between each unit.

Conduit protects the developer by:

  • Ensuring account details are verified by analysts with phone calls to known good numbers, especially for acquisitions
  • Creating custom teams and approval chains, allowing corporate to ensure policy is followed consistently across the organization
  • Moving the disparate operating unit’s processes out of Excel and email
  • Centralizing communication and oversight of cash movement for corporate’s finance team

Conduit’s “Set-up Wizard for Wires” allows each operating unit to maintain their independence and speed of execution, but ensures global best practices are being supported by corporate.


“As a real estate executive, it seems I hear about a new scam, fraud, or loss every week from peers in the industry. I know my company is a target because of the nature of our business. Conduit was an inexpensive and easy solution that gave me and my CFO confidence that we can maintain our operational pace and protect our transfers.”

– President