pictures of money

$130 Million Lost in Wire Fraud

May 6, 2022

One of our favorite financial authors, Matt Levine, wrote an article about a large wire fraud.  The story he tells highlights the need for workflow automation, accountability, and transparency to supplement existing wire processes.

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What is the FBI Telling us about Wire Fraud?

April 7, 2022

Business Email Compromise (BEC) accounts for over 1/3 of all reported cyber losses in 2021, exceeding every other cyber crime loss.

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panic button

Plausible Deniability And Who Absorbs A Wire Fraud Loss?

January 25, 2022

The question companies, leaders, and teams should be asking themselves is, “If you were solely responsible for wiring funds, and they go missing, what would you do differently? What tools and resources would you be demanding?”

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Seinfeld, the Beach, and Stopping Wire Fraud

January 13, 2022

Using “Sneaker” security for protecting against wire fraud is a risky strategy. Ensure you have a transparent process and hold teammates accountable.

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Wire Fraud New Year’s Resolutions

January 4, 2022

Do you have a written policy and have you educated your team on the mechanics of the wire fraud? If not, the beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to resolve to address this threat to your business.

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4 Reasons Wire Fraud Criminals are Thankful

November 17, 2021

Criminals have a lot to be thankful for this holiday season. Don’t let your business fall victim!

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Ransomware Vs Wire Fraud

October 26, 2021

Although ransomware and wire fraud tend to be equal in occurrence, that is where many of the similarities end, especially for the victims.

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How to Recover A Wire Transfer

October 14, 2021

What to do if you’re a victim of wire fraud? Being the victim of wire fraud is extremely traumatic.  You will immediately worry about if you will ever see the money again, if any of your other transfers are at risk, and whether or not your systems are compromised.  These feelings of worry will be…

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Wire Fraud Bad Guys, not Hackers, Stole $2.3 Million from Wisconsin Republicans in an Epic Wire Fraud Case

July 22, 2021

As reported by the AP “Wisconsin Republican Party says hackers stole $2.3m” two weeks before the 2020 election.  That is an enormous amount of money.  Try and imagine the energy and urgency of working on and in those campaigns.   The pace was frenetic, the dollars spent immense and armies of vendors and consultants were…

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