Wire Fraud Happens to the Best of Us

news anchors discussing wire fraud

A Silicon Valley executive had $400,000 stolen by cybercriminals while buying a home. Here’s her warning Conduit would like to thank Rana Robillard, a recent victim of wire fraud, for sharing her experience with the crime.  Rather than focusing on the mechanics of the crime (social engineering, BEC, money mules) we would like to highlight how…

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Part 1 – Linedata Interview

linedata logo

As part of Conduit’s ongoing partnership with Linedata, our founder Ryan Castle sat down with Justin Ryan from Linedata to discuss wire fraud, its common tactics and recent trends.  Importantly, they also share insights on the range of challenges (urgency, AI) buy-side firms face in dealing with the wire fraud bad guys.  In part 2…

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Cybercrime: Wire Fraud and Justice? 

thief outline

”We’re not going to be able to arrest ourselves out of this problem”  In our AI and digital age, the specter of cybercrime looms large, presenting a massive challenge that traditional law enforcement simply cannot solve. In an oldie but a goodie from the The Register, Doug Witschi, the assistant director for cybercrime at Interpol…

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NetDiligence Interview

image of money and barbed wire

Conduit founder Ryan Castle sat down with NetDiligence’s president, Mark Greisiger, to shed light on the severity and scope of wire fraud.  Ryan highlighted what businesses are up against and how wire fraud bad guys are increasingly leveraging generative AI and advancements in payment technology to execute their crimes. Castle also addresses organizational gaps that…

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Unless you use Conduit, Wait to Wire Funds Until July 10th


Don’t be a cliché and fall victim to wire fraud over the 4th of July holiday.  We’ve unfortunately had to have those difficult conversations before, letting firms know their experience is right out of central casting when it comes to wire fraud.  The 4th of July is a perfect mix of risk factors, including short…

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The Friday before a long holiday weekend


What Are You Doing Friday? I’m Going Golfing, Wire Fraud Bad Guys Are Working. The weather looks great here in Chicago and I have a round of golf lined up for Friday.  This week is a time when people’s minds are drifting towards relaxation, social gatherings, and travel plans. The start of summer brings with…

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